anticipazioni su starcraft: the boardgame

Kevin Wilson è uno dei più proficui designers di giochi per la FFG, a lui si devono i restyle di Fury of Dracula e Arkham Horror, Descent, e altre licenze come Doom e Warcraft. Le anticipazioni sono ancora poche e il gioco è previsto per Agosto, a cui aggiungere il solito mese per la barcona cinese e uno di imprevisti. Ottimistico oggi… Dicevamo, poco da raccontare se non ciò che ci si aspetta da questo publisher. Puntando sulla licenza da sfruttare al massimo (qualche camionata di dollari alla Blizzard sono da recuperare…), sull’ambientazione e perchè si tratta pur sempre di un “porting” da PC, si può azzardare un sistema a mappe modulari con unità, upgrade ed edifici, recupero risorse, cose già viste in Warcraft. Il tutto nella classica “Monster Box” e 5kg di pezzi tra miniature, cartonato, un regolamento sbilanciato e ovviamente da rimettere a posto con le FAQ. Insomma, tutto ok per essere un giocone commerciale… :mrgreen:

L’articoletto seguente è spudoratamente preso dal blog in FFG.

While working on games is great fun, let me remind you it is still hard work! The current project that is eating up most of the graphic design departments is the behemoth that is Starcraft: the Board Game. Maybe one of the most complex games FFG has tackled to date, Starcraft is one amazingly detailed game with more pieces and plastic than you can wrap your head around! The blood, sweat and tears (you forgot disgusting alien ichor – ed.) are still being plucked from our machines as we force them to grind along with monster files in a sea of virtual layers. We do this because we are always going to push ourselves to the limit as we get more and more dedicated to creating top-notch graphics of stunning quality. Our computers here at FFG have started feeling the strain as larger and more demanding projects are ushered into the next wave of games, and let me be the first to say the promise of new Macs is going to be well received!

Starcraft has been an incredible challenge, from the sheer complexity of the project, the components, the styles (for THREE races mind you!), and to making it all fit. For those who have played Starcraft (the PC game) as religiously as I have, I am confident you will love this board game. You will never again see a more true-to-self depiction of Starcraft on cardboard and plastic! I assure you we will celebrate with much joy and laughter as the game is kicked out the door. Until then…. back to the project, back to working on the pixel level, and back to ensuring the graphics look great. Here is a small sample of what is being done.

Starcraft su Boardgamegeek

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